Tom Curren: Curren Trials To Title

15 abril 2009

Like all sports, surfing has always had its heroes, but wile many come and go, true heroes are never forgotten. Their legends only grow. In the world of surfing, no surfer proves this point better than California's classic son, Tom Curren. Because while curren came to power in the mid 80's with back to back world titles, he became legend in 1990, when after a three year hiatus, he reappeared to start from scratch, and dominate the world of pro surfing in a way that can never be repeated... Get the full story in this complete 1hour, one of a kind documentary highlighting Tom Curren's 1990 "Trials to Title" run on the ASP World Tour. Brand new interviews from Al Merrick, Dave Gilovich, Evan Slater and Tom Curren himself.

Lançamento: 2005
Áudio: Inglês
Legendas: Não
Áudio Codec: MP3
Áudio Bitrate: 128 kbps
Vídeo Codec: XviD
Vídeo Bitrate: 1653 kbps
Vídeo Info: 640x480 # 23.976 fps
Tamanho: 701 MB
Duração: 54 min

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1 Comentário

  • Felipe Siebert

    esse também não conhecia... me surpreendesse 2 vezes... hehe

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