Kelly Slater: Letting Go

12 abril 2009

Brash phenom, competitive warrior, polished ambassador, iconic symbol, introspective seeker, cutting-edge performer...Then and now, the greatest surfer of all time. In the 1990s, Kelly Slater established himself as the most dominant professional surfer ever. He won a record 6 world titles. But that was then. By 2005, it had been 7 years since he had worn the crown. Many thought he was past his prime. They were wrong. Experience the most triumphant year of Kelly's career. Join him in the epic waves of the WCT "Dream Tour" -- Australia, South Pacific, Africa, North and South America, Asia and Europe -- on his quest for his long-awaited 7th world title. Get a behind-the-scenes look into one of the most intense years in competitive surfing -- the rivalries, the controversies and the drama -- from the worlds top pro surfers. Witness revealing and exclusive interviews with Kelly and never before seen backstage footage of his life. Packed with bonus features, this is a documentary that pulls back the curtain and shows history in the making. Featuring Music By: John Cruz, Josh Boots, After The Fall, The Cops, Dallas Crane, Shaun Sennett, The Morning After Girls, Diverse, Expatriate, 8th Colour, Wolf and Cub, Sleepy Jackson, Moon Juice & original score by Teem Shiiva.

Lançamento: 2006
Áudio: Inglês
Legendas: Português (Brasil)
Áudio Codec: MP3
Áudio Bitrate: 128 kbps
Vídeo Codec: XviD
Vídeo Bitrate: 1391 kbps
Vídeo Info: 624x352 # 29.970 fps
Tamanho: 699 MB
Duração: 63 min

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6 comentários

  • po brow eu consegui baixar esse filme legendado...upa ele pra mlkada ae

  • Surf Movies

    Esse é o legendado!! Não tinha percebido, hehe
    Abraços, falou!

  • Surf Movies

    Pesquisa... se não achares nào tem. mas vou adiantando que não tem. Abraços

  • baixei o video mais nao consigo ver! so ta saindo o audio! alguem ajuda!?

  • xouver

    guto viadinho, altos video

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