
17 abril 2009

Teahupoo, Tahiti. On the 17th of August, 2000, a line was drawn in the sand and Laird Hamilton stood alone. Engulfed in the vortex of the heaviest wave ever ridden, Laird Hamilton stood where no man had ever stood before. Death was the only outcome if a mistake was made. The footage shocked the world. Had it not been captured on film, no one would believe it was possible. It was a moment shadowed only by the journey of his life as a waterman and explorer of the most pure form of energy on earth. This amazing film, shoot on both High Definition and 35mm, won numerous awards at the 2002 X-dance Film Festival. This is the extreme movie of the year, quite possibly the decade. Music By Ben Harper, Moby and Bender!

Lançamento: 2001
Áudio: Inglês
Legendas: Não
Áudio Codec: MP3
Áudio Bitrate: 128 kbps
Vídeo Codec: DivX
Vídeo Bitrate: 2409 kbps
Vídeo Info: 720x480 # 23.976 fps
Tamanho: 685 MB
Duração: 37 min

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