A Brokedown Melody

13 abril 2009

From the surfers that brought you Thicker Than Water, September Sessions and Shelter surfing videos. The film explores the times, travels and experiences of a tribe of surfers who search for the spark of life and look to pass it on to the younger generation. This is the best surfing video of the year. "A Brokedown Melody" takes a step back from the informative approach and allows the viewer to experience surfing in a different context. In a more traditional surf film format, "A Brokedown Melody" allows the visuals of the latest surfing combined with music, images and select commentary to tell the story of a surfer's journey. Featured is the surfing of Kelly Slater, Tom Curren, Gerry Lopez, the Malloy's, Rob Machado, CJ Hobgood, Jack Johnson and others. These surfers take us on their travels to Jamaica, Indonesia, Tahiti, Hawaii, Mexico and South America. Finally, in this age of big wave surf exploration, this film reveals Kelly Slater and the Malloy's pioneering two new waves never before seen.

Lançamento: 2006
Áudio: Inglês
Legendas: Não
Áudio Codec: MP3
Áudio Bitrate: 181 kbps
Vídeo Codec: XviD
Vídeo Bitrate: 1572 kbps
Vídeo Info: 544x336 # 23.976 fps
Tamanho: 700 MB
Duração: 55 min

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2 comentários

  • Hi,
    I find this soundtrack during my trip to Thailand last year and I just love it!!! Do you know where can I find this film? I´m not a surfer but I really like all this surfing stuff.

  • fabiomaia

    Olá pessoal!
    Por favor, alguém poderia postar um link desse filme com legendas em portugûes? Valeu!!

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