The Life

28 novembro 2008

O’Neill Clothing is opening their highly anticipated surf movie, “O’Neill Presents The Life”, this week during the Honda US Open of Surfing Presented by O’Neill. “The Life” is directed by Jamie Brisick and takes a behind the scenes look at the lives of seven extraordinary surfers with the likes of Jordy Smith, Timmy Reyes, Roy Powers, Cory Lopez, Ian Walsh, Tamayo Perry and John John Florence, as they travel the world in search of finding the perfect wave and pursuing their dreams.

“The reality of pro surfing is that it’s not all epic waves and champagne victories. It’s extremely taxing on mind, body and spirit, and to endure, the top athletes are forced to dig deep within and extract that inner Superman. ‘The Life’ follows seven unique surfers as they attempt to do exactly this,” said Brisick.

“The Life” World Premiere is Thursday, July 24 at a private showing in Long Beach, CA. The movie will also have a public premiere in Huntington Beach, CA at the US Open Surfing on Saturday, July 26 at 4:00pm. The US Open Premiere will take place at the Southwest Airlines Concert Stage, north of the pier, with live performances by Rebelution and Louis XIV.

“Amongst the sea of surf film projects today, ‘The Life’ stands out as a unique surf documentary, that captures the essence of seven truly diverse athletes,” said Steve Ward, Vice President of Marketing and Executive Producer, “O’Neill set out to produce a film that chronicles the behind scenes look at what professional surfers endure to live their dream.”

Lançamento: 2008
Áudio: Inglês
Legendas: Não
Áudio Codec: MP3
Áudio Bitrate: 136 kbps
Vídeo Codec: XviD
Vídeo Bitrate: 1280 kbps
Vídeo Info: 640x352 # 29.970 fps
Tamanho: 548 MB
Duração: 53 min

Parte 1 | Parte 2

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