Drive Thru South Central America

20 novembro 2008

14 Day Productions and Poor Specimen join forces again to bring you Drive Thru South Central America. This fourth installment of the Drive Thru reality series, hooks up five gringos, Shane Dorian, Donavon Frankenreiter, Benji Weatherly, Ozzie Wright and Kalani Robb with a two week surf trip through Central and South America.

The ATV antics on Drive Thru South Central America should come with a "Do not try this at home disclaimer." Not only does Oscar Wright manage a 360 dismount with one of the quads, but Benji also trashes the other bike with a 720 rollaway.

This the most entertaining Drive Thru as far as waves and cast. Tune in to the Panama segment before your next beach break sesh to see how to stick air drop to a barrel like Shane O. And watch the Donny and Ozzie duet to learn how not to sing La Bamba.

Perhaps the best surf footage of all the Drive Thru series, Drive Thru Central South America has a great variety of waves and wave riding. Surprisingly, there is no video of Donavon's old school boards for all the retro hodads. But not to worry, because the Oz man is ripping on a stubby, Flock of Seagulls-ish swallowtail.

Lançamento: 2004
Áudio: Inglês
Legendas: Não
Áudio Codec: MP3
Áudio Bitrate: 64 kbps
Vídeo Codec: DivX
Vídeo Bitrate: 4390 kbps
Vídeo Info: 640x480 # 25.000
Tamanho: 1450 MB
Duração: 46 min

Parte 1 | Parte 2
(reupado dia 10/03/09)

Links Alternativos
Torrent | eMule

6 comentários

  • jan

    Love the Drive-Thru-episodes... surftrips as they should be!

    Could you upload the Europe and New Zealand parts?

  • thx for uploading the drive thru series. could you upload the europe episode as well?! cheers & big THX

  • Guto, you are da man!
    um amigo acaba de me informar de teu blog. agora to baixando Archie!!! alucinante cara, alucinante seu trabalho. God bless you!
    rodrigo de uruguai

  • Boas Guto, obrigado pelo site maravilhoso, quero reforçar um comentário anterior, será possivel arranjar o Drive Thru Europe? Já corri os confins da net e não existe em lado algum.

    Grande abraço e boas ondas.

  • maHgraum

    hahauauauhauha essa turminha do drive-thru é bem comédia, po, série maneira todos são bons!
    obrigado cara, q site é esse! 100 palavras, é só elogios

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