The Blueprint

08 novembro 2008

In conjunction with Sanuk and Dragon, the new Billabong surf movie based onthe life of Shane Dorian and titled 'the Blueprint', will premier in OrangeCounty later this month. The action-documentary 45 minutes in length isdirected by Chad Campbell, and showcases Dorian's unique explosive brand ofsurfing in Hawaii, Tahiti, Indonesia, Australia, and Fiji.

"The movie has really, really current stuff from the past six months. Istarted filming right before I went on the Billabong Odyssey training campup on the Oregon Washington border last October," stated Shane Dorian.

Along with Dorian, the movie features surfing by Conan Hayes, Kelly Slater,the Irons brothers, Taj Burrow, Pat O'Connell, Dan Malloy, Sunny Garcia,Taylor Knox, Ross Williams, Rob Machado, Brian Pacheco, Mick Fanning, KalaniRobb, Benji Weatherley, and Donavon, plus interviews with Dorian and others.

'the Blueprint' is Campbell's second time in the director's chair. His first effort titled "the 5th Symphony Document" won the 2001 Surfer Magazine "Video of the Year" award.

Lançamento: 2002
Áudio: Inglês
Legendas: Não
Áudio Codec: WMA
Áudio Bitrate: 64 kbps
Vídeo Codec: DivX
Vídeo Bitrate: 1747 kbps
Vídeo Info: 640x424 # 23.975 fps
Tamanho: 685 MB
Duração: 52 min

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  • poste um link bit torrent.. por favor!

  • Brigado por atender meu pedido!!!
    Blog continua fantastico.

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