Drive Thru South Africa

19 novembro 2008

This will no doubt go down as the best drive thru ever. The crew started the trip in capetown and drove their way up to jbay where they watched donnie play a concert at the wct event. Along the way they raced ostrich's and got some fun surf with only one minor shark scare. The drive thru crew watched donnie play with tom curren,occy and had a lot of the surfers there to watch, they then made their way to durban where they surfed empty sand bar points for the next 5 days and even got to ride the flo rider. Where donavon and benji stole the show. They had the first anual martin potter surf contest and even drove thru the transkai. Which is now officially not the scariest place in the world. They surfed another right point where an australian surfer was eaten whole 2 years ago. Ended up at jbay for the last 2 days to get it as good as it gets with kelly. Did the worlds largest bunji jump and called it a trip. Oh yeah they also watched donnie get bit in the ass by a lion cub, almost run over a giraffe and stayed at backpackers the whole trip. Surfers: Donavon, benji, pat , noodles, and mike losness.

Lançamento: 2006
Áudio: Inglês
Legendas: Não
Áudio Codec: MP3
Áudio Bitrate: 112 kbps
Vídeo Codec: XviD
Vídeo Bitrate: 1625 kbps
Vídeo Info: 512X384 # 23.976 fps
Tamanho: 702 MB
Duração: 53 min

Parte Única
(reupado dia 08/03/09)

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4 comentários

  • massa seu blog amigo, é uma grande ajuda para baixar filmes de surf!!

    aqui segue alguns links ed2k do emule que eu adicionei filmes completos de surf com menus extras etc

    Surf Movies Complete iso - Links ed2k - Brazil (filmes de surf links ed2k)

    copy and paste the following links at your search area on emule: use the option "add link ED2K

    (copie e cole os seguintes links na sua busca do emule: use a opção "adicionar link ED2K")

    [Surf Movie Brazilian] NALU (everaldo pato complete dvd menu extras).nrg


    [surf movie brazil] Samba Trance e Rock'nroll (complete dvd).nrg


    [surf movie brazil] Hang Loose Pro Contest Fernando de Noronha - complete dvd.nrg


    [surf movie brazil] Fabio Fabuloso (Fabio Gouveia) (complete dvd).nrg


    [Surf Longboard Movie] The Seedling (complete dvd menu extra).nrg


    [surf movie] Freak Show Jamie Obrien & Friends - complete dvd.nrg


    [surf longboard movie] Singlefin Yellow - complete dvd.nrg

  • xxx

    Boroder, manero d+++++ seu blog!!! Parabéns!!! Aqui, os arquivos depois que tenta-se abrir tão com problema!!! valew

  • Queria a leganda desse filme. Já vi ele passar no FX mais não assisti tudo, me lembro q lá tinha legenda. Se vc tiver a legenda posta aí pra galera. Vlw

  • single fin yellow please!

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