
16 fevereiro 2009

The Moonshine Conspiracy's third and biggest project, "Shelter", carries the spirit of Thicker Than Water and September Sessions, however it has a texture and vision all it's own.

Surfers featured include the likes of Machado and Dorian but the film also hosts the surfing and thoughts from people such as Joel Tudor, Nat Young, Mick Fanning, Malia Jones, and many more. There is even an unconfirmed sighting of Ben Harper in an early cut of the film.

The all-original score for the project is being headed by Joachim Cooder (from the Grammy winning documentary the "Buena Vista Social Club") and is turning out to be an eclectic piece of art on it's own. We can only imagine the various artists he has in store for the ever-changing mood of the film.

As far as surfing goes, there are over thirty hours of footage that according to Brad Gerlach is "the best surfing I've ever seen". It's been cut down to an hour by directors Taylor Steele and Chris Malloy with a hand from Emmett Malloy and Jack Johnson

Lançamento: 2001
Áudio: Inglês
Legenda: Não
Áudio Codec: MP3
Áudio Bitrate: 128 kbps
Video Codec: DivX
Video Bitrate: 1801 kbps
Video Info: 640x464 # 23.976 fps
Tamanho: 589 MB
Duração: 42 min

Parte Única

4 comentários

  • Renan

    estava atras desse DVD a mto tempo!


  • Gostei mt desse blog! Mas tipo, onde que posso conseguir a legenda desse filme?

  • Simplesmente FANTÁSTICO!!! esse blog eh o melhor... continue assim!!!

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