Mick Fanning: Mick, Myself & Eugene

28 fevereiro 2009

Mick in Triplicate Mick Fanning: Party animal, competition machine, soul surfer.

When Rip Curl’s most elite surfer suffered a career threatening injury mid-way through 2004, the entire Rip Curl world felt the pain with him. Out of action and stuck at home doing rehab, Mick Fanning was a fish out of water.

The time away from the hectic competitive season ended up a blessing in disguise though, as Fanning refocused and took to training with reckless abandon. The result? He rejoined the World Tour in 2005, won two events and finished second at the Pipe Masters and secured third place overall on the World Rankings.

Film-maker Jon Frank has been right by Fanning’s side since that injury mishap in 2004 and together with Mick and Rip Curl has documented the time since in the film, ‘Mick, Myself & Eugene’.

With Hog, Darren O'Raff, Occy and Pancho all guesting on the flick, there's no doubt it's got its fair share of good surfing.

Lançamento: ??
Áudio: Inglês
Legenda: Não
Áudio Codec: MP3
Áudio Bitrate: 132 kbps
Vídeo Codec: XviD
Vídeo Bitrate: 1436 kbps
Video Info: 592x336 # 29.971 fps
Tamanho: 499 MB
Duração: 44 min

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