Blackwater: The Story of A Place Called Teahupo'o

14 fevereiro 2009

Blackwater is the story of Teahupo'o, a humble Tahitian village and a coral reef wave made from equal parts beauty and terror. The wave is undoubtedly one of surfing's most challenging and awe-inspiring waves, as Chris Malloy comments "That wave has changed surfing forever." 2005 SURFER Poll & Video Awards Nominations: BEST TUBE RIDE: KELLY SLATER WORST WIPEOUT: DAMIEN HOBGOOD WORST WIPEOUT: SHANE DORIAN The movie features fantastic surfing and commentary from a who's who of surfing, people such as Vetea David, Manoa Drollet, Shane Dorian, Kelly Slater, Tom Carroll, Mark Occhilupo, Bruce and Andy Irons, Layne Beachley and the Hobgood brothers to name a few. For the first time you can see and hear it all - the myths, the facts, the history, the stories, the consequences, and most of all, the unforgettable waves. The music is top notch with artists such as Adam Freeland, Red Whyte, Butterfly Effect, Decoder Ring, Paul Kearney, Katalyst, Pre-Shrunk, Clotaire, Inked Factor, Nora Drenalin, Volatile, Not For You, Switchkicker, Strength in Numbers, Erther and Live, Love, Regret. Blackwater contains loads of never-before-seen footage from over 25 of the world's best cameramen, exclusive interviews with over 50 great surfers, and just one BIG star - a surf location that's nothing short of unbelievable. This is a must-see DVD.

Lançamento: 2005
Áudio: Inglês
Legenda: Não
Áudio Codec: MP3
Áudio Bitrate: 128 kbps
Video Codec: XviD
Video Bitrate: 1435 kbps
Video Info: 720x480 # 23.976 fps
Tamanho: 702 MB
Duração: 62 min

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6 comentários

  • aew !! VLW BHOW 1 filme tava na estiga de uns novo


  • alguém conseguiu acha a legenda??


  • Boa noite, alguem tem a legenda desse filme??

  • Alguém sabe o nome da música em 1:30 neste teaser?

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