Somewhere Anywhere Everywhere

26 outubro 2009

Somewhere Anywhere Everywhere surfing video lends insight to the world of surfing today. From the glamour of the world tour, to the dreamy boat trips in the South Pacific, to winning the World Championship, this movie explores the current state of surfing in the most high performance environment the sport has ever seen. The title speaks to the unforgiving drive that surfers have, with particular reference to the surfers on the Globe team. Somewhere in the world all eyes are on CJ Hobgood. Anywhere Taj Burrow goes he is the most radical surfer in the world. Everywhere the Globe surf team goes there is a unique story to be told.

Release: 2004
Language: English
Subtitles: No
Audio Codec: MP3
Audio Bitrate: 128 kbps
Video Codec: DivX
Video Bitrate: 2094 kbps
Resolution: 720x448
Size: 685 MB
Length: 42 min

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