
09 outubro 2009

Believe: A Movie About Dreams. The messages are simple and timeless ride whatever kind of board fires your imagination, regardless of design and fashion trends. Respect your elders, tend to the young, cherish the everyday, do what you love. Every so often, a movie, a book, a song or piece of writing comes along that touches you profoundly, in ways you couldnt begin to expect. Believe, a self-funded movie, produced by Mick Waters of Little House Productions in Billinudgel, New South Wales, is one of those movies. This production is a deeply personal journey into not so much surfing, but rather the love of surfing and many of its offshoots and parallel interests. But, dont let the self-funded fool you into thinking this is a cut-rate production by any means. However Spartan the budget may have been - around $25, 000 and many unpaid hours over the five years taken to bring this to light - the final package is completely professional, and the quality and feel of the visuals is fantastic. By fantastic, dont expect glitzy though. This is raw and real, like a one-mic acoustic recording of a guy and his guitar pouring his soul out onto tape. The older, grainier clips work incredibly well juxtaposed with the modern footage, to give the entire production a strong sense of history, and in a way, pride in the heritage thats being passed down through the generations. The retro material includes archival footage of Duke Kahanamoku, courtesy of Joe Larkin and scenes from Morning of the Earth and Storm Riders.

Release: 2007
Language: English
Subtitles: No
Audio Codec: MP3
Audio Bitrate: 160 kbps
Video Codec: XviD
Video Bitrate: 3196 kbps
Resolution: 640x480
Size: 1607 MB
Length: 67 min

Parte 1 | Parte 2

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4 comentários

  • Okay it's Slow Down made by Will Conner on the cd Southern Hemisphere
    I dont find it on the web (megaupload rapidshare etc...) if somebody can help me! thanks!

  • can someone pls seed...stuck at 61% thank you

  • Cara sou do Rio de Janeiro é o blog é sacanagem, muito foda isso que você faz pela gente, porém alguns filmes eu baixei completo e sai o som e não aparece a imagem e believe foi um deles, caso vocÊ possa resolver meu problema entre em absss boas ondas

  • cara, baixa esse player:


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