Separate Volume

02 março 2009

Isn't it strange that no two surfers have the same exact approach to a wave? It is an extension of character and every one is different. In the making of Separate Volume, the intention was to show how each member of the Oakley surf team is unique. A lot of these surfers have never been in the spotlight or even been seen outside of a magazine. This was their chance to shine.

Separate Volume also delves deeper into surfers that you have seen hundreds of times – but still know nothing about. Nathan Fletcher has voices in his head that make him travel the globe and surf to a different tune. In typical Hawaiian Style, Dustin Barca has fought for everyone's respect and it is undeniably evident in his surfing. You will see Brent Dorrington who, at only 17, has that natural surfing style that echoes a young Tom Curren. Chris Ward’s unbridled power and mix of wild abandon produces spontaneity in every aspect of his surfing and his life.

Sure, the film was shot in exotic locations around the world looking for world-class waves. But, that isn't what Separate Volume is about. It's about being different. It's about being unique. It’s about surfing to your own Separate Volume.

Separate Volume features Dustin Barca, Chris Ward, Brent Dorrington, Adam Melling, Nathan Fletcher, Aaron Cormican, Brian Conley, Adriano De Souza, Dave Weare, Shane Beschen, Tom Whitaker, Flea, Royden Bryson, Nick Rozsa, Evan Geiselman, Makua Rothman and friends. Filmed on Location in Indonesia, Australia, Mexico, Tahiti, Maldives, Florida, West Coast and Hawaii and shot in 35mm and Super 16mm.

Lançamento: 2006
Áudio: Inglês
Legenda: Não
Áudio Codec: MP3
Áudio Bitrate: 128 kbps
Video Codec: XviD
Video Bitrate: 898 kbps
Video Info: 480x288 # 29.970 fps
Tamanho: 700 MB
Duração: 39 min

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4 comentários

  • PUTZ! quando achei seu blog pensei q seria um bom blog com dicas de filmes e links baixar e talz, mas NÃO... seu blog é SHOW manoooOOO! Excelente! tem simplesmente TUDO de bom!!! Valeu! Abraço!

  • caio

    Mannnn vc vai evoluiii o surf de muitaa gentee com esse blog viu...mtos videoss insanoooss...e facil de baixar...PARABENS...ta fodaooo seu blog..continuee assim!!

  • Parabens pelo blog cara.tá de parabens mermu.

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    semelokertes marchimundui

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