Ballyhoo! - 365-Day Weekend

14 dezembro 2009

This is the first full-length album release by Maryland party-rockers Ballyhoo!

Originally released in October 2000, this album help put the band on the Baltimore Metro area club circuit. The guys played these songs at bars and nightclubs before they were old enough to drink!

"365-Day Weekend" is packed with catchy pop-punk/reggae/rock jams that earned them spots at the legendary HFStival in 2001 and spins on local radio stations.

This is a "MUST-HAVE" for Ballyhoo! fans all over. It's a sonic picture of the band in their teenage years in the late 90's. Get it NOW!

Official Site

Genre: Reggae Rock
Year: 2007
Type: Full-Length Album
Format: MP3
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Size: 46 MB

Track List
01. Let's Get Horizontal
02. Sweet Cheeks
03. Mad Love
04. Scratch
05. Livin' Large In All-America C
06. Attic
07. Mellow Grind
08. Tha Funky Joint
09. Hardcore
10. Pimp Masta K
11. Rt. 40 Ho

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