Dude Cruise

01 agosto 2009

Dude Cruise is the first movie from Irons Bros. Productions, the new film company formed by Bruce and Andy Irons, and the first-ever movie featuring the DC surf team and just the DC surf team. Its true that there are only three guys on the elite DC surf team. But between Bruce Irons, Dane Reynolds, and Ry Craike, who else do even need in a surf movie these days? Combined, the crew stands at the forefront of modern progressive surfing. The boys have earned a rep as some of the best surfers on the planet, all the while keeping unique styles in and out of the water. Its those unique out-of-the-water styles that make Dude Cruise so damn interesting. We all know that sometimes on surf trips (or a Dude Cruise, as weve dubbed this one) things can get weird with a strange brew of testosterone, cabin fever, and ale. Dude Cruise offers a look at the type of weirdness that goes down with individuals like Bruce, Dane, and Ry in the mix, plus, of course, plenty of footage of the boys surfing locations worldwide. Dude Cruise also serves a new take on the standard surf video; you know, the atypical two-minute quick-edit parts seen in nearly every surf flick out there. Directed by Matt Beauchesne, Dude Cruise shows sessions start to finish - not just the banger clips - to offer a more realistic look at what happens when youre just out with your friends having a good time.

Release: 2008
Language: English
Subtitles: No
Audio Codec: MP3
Audio Bitrate: 143 kbps
Video Codec: XviD
Video Bitrate: 1312 kbps
Resolution: 640x352
Size: 298 MB
Length: 28 min

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7 comentários

  • paulo

    valeu mesmo ai rapaziada!tava a uma data procurando esse filme!!
    parabens pelo blog ta mandando bem demaaaais

  • Piero

    fdpp!!! esse maluco eh muito rato!!!

  • filme mais gay do site. caiu

  • uhauhauahuahauhaahahauaha

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