Shack Therapy

26 outubro 2008

Shack Therapy documents the surfing and lifestyles of the world’s top surfers including Andy Irons, Jamie OBrien, Ian Walsh, Pancho Sullivan and more. The film is shot in exotic worldwide locations featuring today’s most progressive surfing. SHACK THERAPY features world famous surf breaks from JAWS to J-Bay, as well as the mystique of the search for undiscovered perfection. New discoveries in Caroline Islands, West Oz and Norway’s Lofoten Islands highlight the realization of a surfer’s dream.

The film incorporates state of the art cinematography and Hi Definition video utilizing board-cams, water-cams, land perspectives, jet ski follow-cams, and aerial cinematography. Through personalities, travel and explosive action the film will convey a seamless portrayal of the lifestyle that is surfing.

Starring: Clint Kimmins,Mikala Jones,Brian Conley,Benji Weatherley,Darren O' Rafferty,Ola Eleogram,Tony Ray,Raoni Monteiro,Peter Hayes,Jamie O'Brien,Raoni Monteiro,Darren ORafferty,Kieren Perrow,Pancho Sullivan, Ian Walsh

Lançamento: 2006
Áudio: Inglês
Legendas: Não
Áudio Codec: MP3
Áudio Bitrate: 138 kbps
Vídeo Codec: XviD
Vídeo Bitrate: 921 kbps
Vídeo Info: 576x432 # 29.971 fps
Tamanho: 346 MB
Duração: 45 min

Parte 1 | Parte 2 | Parte 3 | Parte 4

Links Alternativos
Torrent | eMule

3 comentários

  • Muito bom o filme!!!
    vale a pena!
    pena q nao sei ingles! faltou soh a legendinha... hehehe

  • fsad

    ai tem como por ele em 1 so down?

  • gustavo

    Torrent not found!! ve ai valew!!

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